Apple Ford Apple Valley

Feb 25, 2019

Good news everyone, February is almost over! Bad news though, we’re in Minnesota.

Though our February’s seem to last through April, we’re keeping our chin up. And we think you should too! Here’s a list of lessons to learn that will make your Minnesota winters more bearable.

Lesson One: Emergency Car Kit

The weather outside is frightful and while winter tires are so delightful, since you don’t have four-wheel-drive, you’ll slip-and-slide, slip-and-slide, slip-and-slide…

Yes, lesson one is to make sure that your car is full with emergency must-haves in below zero weather. Consider the following if you find yourself with a dead battery:

  1. Snacks
  2. Blankets
  3. Ice Scraper
  4. Hand Warmers
  5. Gloves
  6. Shovel
  7. Extra Washer Fluid
  8. Jumper Cables
  9. Flashlight
  10. Phone Charger

Lesson Two: Learn How to Get Yourself Out of a Snow Bank

This might be the most beneficial thing to know when it comes to living in Minnesota. Of course common sense usually kicks in in times of crisis, but there might be few things you didn’t know about the spiteful snowbank.

1- Get rid of the snow blocking your car

This is when you pull out the handy-dandy shovel you so promptly placed in your trunk. Make sure that any snow blocking your car from emerging on a clear path is removed as well as snow clogged underneath.

2- Make sure no important parts of your car are blocked/clogged with snow.

This includes your windshield, exhaust pipes, and headlights.

3- Find something to put around the tires for traction.

Salt, sand, or even kitty litter will do the trick!

4- Put your car in the lowest possible gear and make sure 4-wheel drive is turned on it your vehicle has that option.

(Rule of thumb: the lower the gear, the more traction you get)

5- Rock Your Vehicle

It might sound odd, but it really works. Get in the car and begin rocking forward and backward. As you do so, the momentum will increase.

Lesson Three: Keep Your Tank On Full

How many times have you heard that you should keep your gas tank at least on half-full during the winter so your gasoline won’t freeze? Our guess is that you’ve heard it a lot, and there’s good reason.

While gasoline doesn’t actually freeze, a close-to-empty gas tank is susceptible to condensation. The condensation can form inside the tank and then re-freeze in your fuel lines, which will prevent your car from starting.

Not only that, but the less gas you have in your tank, the lighter your car is. And no one wants a light car in the winter.